Don’t just train,


Your physique

The team at My Complete Physique prioritise your health and physique goals, employing clinically proven methods in nutrition, physical training & supplementation to help you secure both!

If you’re committed to transforming your physique, let us save you years of “finding what works” and teach you everything you need to know to build a better and brighter you!

Scientifically Proven Systems

A deep understanding of nutritional, biomedical & sports science fundamentals gives rise to the nutritional and training systems we created. A regular communication loop of assessment, reflection and prescription allows us to consistently achieve outstanding results for clients and ourselves. Our dedicated coaches are committed to staying current with the latest research and industry leading practices, so you can be confident that you’ll receive the most effective guidance and support available.

Rest assured that your journey towards a healthier and stronger life is not only in caring hands but also backed by a wealth of knowledge and expertise

Accountability and Support

At MCP you receive comprehensive support to follow structured nutritional, training and supplement plans. We get that not everyone has a scientific background and make every effort to explain the “why” behind the “what” in a way that relates to you.

Clients with an understanding of why they are doing something are 3 times more likely to achieve their goals and maintain them! We also get that life is busy, so we tailor plans to match your work/life balance and follow up to keep you accountable when you’ve had one of those weeks!

Our Values

In pursuit of a productive and harmonious culture we a proud to reflect these values in everything we do:

  • Personalisation Because no two people are the same, so neither should their plans be!
  • Expertise We combine formal education with in-the-trench experience to bring you the best.
  • Empowerment We love to learn, but we also love to teach. A forest is stronger than a single tree!
  • Accountability We keep ourselves and clients accountable with systems to ensure nothing falls through the cracks!

Re-Engineer My Body now!

Create symmerty and aesthetics 

Our training, nutrition, and supplement plans are tailored to you. We take into account individual genetics, lifestyle, strengths, weaknesses, and preferences to create your customised plan. Our goal is to make your plan sustainable, allowing you to achieve consistency, which ultimately leads to results!

Whether you are seeking to transform your physique, take it to the next level for a photoshoot/competition, you can have peace of mind your program is uniquely yours for best results!

Years Experience

Bodybuilding Shows

Happy Clients

Our Services

Find out which type of coaching is best suited to your needs

Meet your coaches


Din is an exceptionally qualified & skilled physique coach who is equally passionate about health as transforming physiques. With an impressive track record of over 10 years in the industry, Din has firmly established himself as an expert in this field.

Din completed his Certificate 3&4 in Fitness alongside his undergraduate degree in Biomedicine (Exercise Physiology major) before a Masters in Medical Radiations and working clinically at Victoria’s leading cancer care facility. Now he has come full circle offering a unique clinical perspective to the physique development space.

At first glance you know Din is a coach who walks the walk, his accolades in competitive bodybuilding include numerous state and national championships. This first hand experience means he knows just what it feels like to be in your shoes and his compassionate coaching style is reflective of this.

Din’s natural leadership qualities and humility allow him to easily build long lasting relationships with blokes from all walks of life. His meticulous attention to detail and dedication to his clients’ success have earned him a well-deserved reputation as a highly sought-after coach.

If you’re looking for a coach who understands the science and art of bodybuilding, as well as the importance of overall health, Din is the perfect choice. With his expertise and experience, you can trust that you’ll achieve your fitness goals under his guidance.

what our clients have to say


Working with Din has been a pleasure. He ensures that he not only gives you direction but you also understand the reasoning why. Din uses his experience to ensure that you strike great consistency and are continuously progressing towards your goals.

Rohan C.

I am incredibly grateful for my experience with Din. His personalised approach and expert guidance have transformed my fitness journey – from where I was stuck in a rut.

The tailored workout and nutritional plans and advice have not only optimized my gains but also enhanced my overall well-being.

Din’s unwavering support has kept me focused and on track with my goals, turning challenges into triumphs. His deep knowledge and commitment to improve as a coach is evident; he is a key component in my pursuit of a healthier, stronger lifestyle. I wholeheartedly recommend My Complete Physique to anyone serious about achieving their fitness goals. Thank you for helping me become the best version of myself

Michael P.

Din has changed my life, became a friend and guided me at every turn helping me toward achieving my life goal.

Today I get to wake up a better man every day. My health, sleep and overall nutrition has vastly improved. Im now proud of myself and comfortable in my own skin a feat I had not had the privilege of knowing, what I was truly capable of wasn’t even feasible in my wildest dreams until now.

I’d never had abs before let alone been lean enough to see any definition on my body but with your patience, dedication and tutelage I now have achieved my biggest goal that I thought I’d never achieve.

Thank you Din from the bottom of my heart sincerely. You’ve been a great coach and everyone deserves to have a great man like you in their life!

Michael K.

Having Din as a coach has changed my life. The change in lifestyle traits and food habits that he advised to implement has got me eating healthier and losing weight consistently. I’ve gotten stronger in the gym with the training program and he’s always checking in to see if my form is right and if I need any help/advice because he’s not just worried about training/eating he’s also concerned about your mental health and how everything is going in your life.

Calvin C.

Working with Dinesh has changed my life immensely. He is a master of his craft and incredibly knowledgeable and thorough with all aspects of my training and nutrition needs. He breaks down every technical aspect so it’s easy to understand and educates me as to why I’m doing it and how my body should react. He’s not just a coach, he’s an educator who taught me to lose 35+ kilos. He’s given me the tools I need in order to succeed and I believe all of these factors are what sets him apart from the rest.

Davin S.

Since starting with Din over 2 years ago now. I have pushed myself to limits I never knew I could reach as I have physical ailments that used to limit my thinking of what I can achieve within fitness and body building.

When in doubt, I know Din will sort it out!

Ensuring the exercises are crafted towards my body, making sure my diet is dialed in to achieve the best result, feedback on form, all the way to general life advice, I have Din to thank for all of this. Most coaches I find can just set and forget, but Din ensures that I understand the theory and practicality behind it, and I’m now much more educated on all things health and fitness

I can’t thank Din enough for his continuous advice and support these last two years. If you’re serious about progressing in health and fitness, then Din and the team at My Complete Physique have got you sorted!

Keep up the amazing work MCP!

Chris K.

Right from the start, Din was fully committed to my success. He skillfully adapted his methods to suit my lifestyle, ensuring I meet my goals. Throughout the journey, Din provides unwavering support, whether it is fine-tuning my program, advising on diet, or perfecting exercise form. His professionalism and deep knowledge in his field are immediately apparent. His expertise and extensive coaching experience lead to outstanding results, which are clearly visible in the mirror. Moreover, Din is an awesome person to work with both in and out of the gym!

Josh K.

Sammi has changed my life for the better. I can’t believe I lost over 10kg! I now have a better understanding of food and how to fuel my body correctly. After going through a really bad break up, the gym has been my saving grace. Sammi came into my life at the perfect time and I couldn’t have asked for a better coach or friend! Thank you for being honest with me but also educating me. Everyone can’t stop commenting on how much weight I have lost and I praise you to them all the time! I would recommend Sammi to anyone who is wanting to start or even just level up their fitness journey“

Rebecca W.